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Bring The Educational Philosophy of Finland To Your Preschool

HEI Schools Teacher Toolkit is designed for schools looking to provide Finnish style education. Easy to implement at any preschool or kindergarten in the world.


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HEI Schools Teacher Toolkit

The Teacher Toolkit is a comprehensive monthly service that provides Finnish-style educational resources for schools to use together with their existing curriculum.

With research-based, practical materials, this online solution allows any preschool or kindergarten to implement Finnish pedagogy and practices.

In this service, we offer:

  • Finnish pedagogy and practices with practical instructions for implementing them in the classroom

  • Daily activity plans for three age groups with how-to videos, articles and printable materials

  • Self-study teacher training materials

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What’s included?

HEI Teacher Toolkit Educational Framework
Educational Framework

Learn the core components of Finnish pedagogy, for example how to collaborate with parents and methods to document children's progress.

HEI Teacher Toolkit Monthly Program
Monthly Program

Includes 2 detailed, easy-to-follow play-based activity plans per day per age group. In addition, activity plans to be done at home in order for remote learning.

HEI Teacher Toolkit Teacher's Corner
Teacher's Corner

Continuously develop your professionalism with videos, articles and assignments that are linked to Monthly Program.

HEI Schools Home

Provide access to HEI Home Activities to the parents at your school. HEI Schools Home is an online resource for families with carefully designed, research-based learning activities.


Why Choose the HEI Schools Teacher Toolkit For Your School?

  • Enrich your curriculum and practices with high-quality activity plans and pedagogy

  • Save time in planning classroom activities and weekly routines

  • Develop professionally with informative videos, articles and assignments

  • Offer professional inspiration for your teachers

  • Advertise the excellent reputation of the Finnish Early Education in your marketing

  • Stand out from other schools in your region with Finnish-style teaching

How Does It Work?

  • Sign up for a monthly subscription plan with automatic credit card payments

  • Receive updated content every month, one month in advance

  • Use our marketing banners to advertise Finnish-style education at your school

  • At any point, you can also purchase HEI Schools Teacher Certificate

  • Contact our sales team to discuss pricing and how we can make the Toolkit work for you

Have more questions?

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions about the Toolkit